Currently Browsing: DUI Defense

What Happens If I Refuse to Take a Breathalyzer Test in North Carolina?

In North Carolina, all drivers are subject to an “implied consent” law. This law says that any driver who is arrested for driving while impaired (DWI) is required to submit to breathalyzer testing to determine blood alcohol level (BAC)....

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Are DUI Checkpoints Legal in North Carolina?

It's 10:30 on an August night and you're driving down Tryon Street in Charlotte, headed home from having a couple of beers with friends. All of sudden you notice there is a line of cars ahead and at the far end of that line are State Troopers...

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A North Carolina DWI Can Be a Life Changer

DWI/DUI charges can be costly both financially and personally. If you live in Charlotte, North Carolina and you have a few beers at the NCAA tournament or the annual St. Patrick's Day festival, you shouldn't drive. If you do drink and...

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DWI Countdown: 30 Minutes Can Mean the Difference Between a DWI Conviction or a Dismissal

While we all know that driving and drinking just don't mix, it's inevitable that some of us will end up having to take a breathalyzer. Knowing your rights, and consulting a reputable DWI lawyer, will give you the best chance to minimize the...

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Some DWI Convictions in North Carolina Are Worse Than Others

The most important reason for not drinking and driving is that it could injure or kill you and/or other drivers. In a perfect world, that reason alone would encourage most motorists to not get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol. But, of course,...

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Why Does Charlotte Have So Many Bad Drivers and Traffic Accidents?

Just like any other big city, Charlotte, North Carolina has its share of bad drivers and traffic accidents. But as it turns out, we have more than our share! A recent study lists Charlotte as the 14th most dangerous city for bad drivers, from traffic...

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