Currently Browsing: traffic school

How Much Does a DWI Cost in North Carolina?

Being convicted of a DWI in North Carolina can be expensive today and for years to come. From basic fines and fees to lost income and opportunities, it can be hard to put a dollar figure on the cost of a DWI in North Carolina.    Getting...

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Traffic Tickets In North Carolina: Points, Penalties and a Prayer!

Most of us speed sometimes or "roll" through a stop sign. We text when we should be looking at the road, we forget to use our turn signal, or we just lose focus and drift into another lane. We all take liberties out on the road, and...

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Speeding Ticket? Don't Take the Easy Way Out

North Carolina makes it easy to pay off your speeding ticket. You can mail it in, pay it in person and on the internet. Maybe too easy. Paying off your speeding ticket can be a big mistake. When you pay your speeding ticket instead of fighting the...

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What to Expect from Charlotte Traffic School

Maybe you’re here because of your first traffic ticket, or perhaps the points have been adding up on your driver’s license for some time. It's possible that the courts have ordered you to attend. If so, there are a few things you...

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