12 Ways to Lose Your North Carolina Driver's License

In North Carolina, there are a LOT of traffic violations that can cause you to lose your license. Some reasons are pretty well known, like a DWI or too many points. But there are many others too. Before we answer the question, there are two terms you need to know when it comes to losing your driving privileges for breaking traffic laws.  

Suspended License

If your license is suspended, your driving privileges are temporarily canceled for a specific period. You can get your license back without having to apply for a new driver's license, as long as you have met the requirements set by the court when you were convicted.  

Revoked License

When your license is revoked, your driving privileges are terminated. Those privileges can also be reinstated if you meet eligibility requirements. You may have to attend a hearing, and if all goes well, you will have to apply for a new license...kind of like starting all over. But there are circumstances where your license may be permanently revoked.

Here's a breakdown of what traffic violations determine if you will lose your license either by revocation or suspension:   In some cases, a first-time violation will result in the immediate loss of your license.

  1. Speeding over 75 MPH
  2. Passing a stopped school bus
  3. Prearranged racing
  4. A second charge for more than 15 MPH over the limit on top of driving over 55 MPH
  5. DWI/DUI

If you are under 18, there are some circumstances that can turn a small infraction into a bigger one, like losing that license.

  1. Suspended from public school for more than ten consecutive days
  2. Being sent to an alternative education facility for disciplinary action for ten consecutive days
  3. Not having a high school diploma or a Driving Eligibility Certificate

If all those scenarios aren't enough to confuse you, then there are a few more for traffic violations that can lead to a loss of driving privileges.

  1. Excessive speeding
  2. Speeding and reckless driving
  3. Reckless driving
  4. Being convicted of multiple traffic violations

Even if you are convicted of one of the violations above, there's still hope. Better yet, don't give up before you even go to court. An experienced traffic attorney in Charlotte, like Jason Reece, will help minimize the damage, whether it's your first speeding ticket or your fourth. Call today or fill out this quick form to find out how The Jason Reece Law Firm can help you keep that license.